Mega Star Chiranjeevi who has so far maintained a diplomatic stance on the ongoing ticket issue has now lashed out at the AP Government. Speaking on the issue, Chiranjeevi reminded the government that their term is for 5 years only while that of a cine actor is timeless. The love and support that cine stars receive is a result of years of hard work and it is really unfortunate the way the government has been treating them of late.
Chiranjeevi said that film industry like any other industry has a duty to pay taxes to the government which they are totally supportive of. However, no government has a right to decide the ticket prices, stated the Mega Star.
This speech of Chiranjeevi at the Santosham Awards has stunned all and has become a hot topic on social media.
Mega Star Chiranjeevi further added that he has time and again worked for the betterment of the industry and will continue to do so. He pointed out that he has been waiting for the political leaders appointment for showcasing the struggles of the industry. But on continuous non-appointments and meeting cancellations, he is forced to share his feelings on the public platform.