Ram Charan’s Game Changer was launched amidst massive fanfare and tremendous expectations back in 2021. The film’s initial schedules in Andhra, Pune, and Chandigarh were also wrapped up pretty quickly making everyone believe that this. While the film’s initial parts got off to a tremendous start, it’s still unclear what transpired later that led to Shankar shooting Indian 2 and Game Changer simultaneously.
Since both films are big-ticket pan-India projects, shooting simultaneously is turning out to be quite challenging. A large part of the shooting and CG work is still pending for both. As per initial plans, fans expected Indian 2 to release for Sankranthi 2024 and Game Changer to release post-summer 2024. Now it appears like Indian 2 will release for summer 2024 which means Game Changer will most likely move for Dasara release or even May 2025.
The film is a political action drama made on a massive budget and the few on-set picture leaks have already revealed that the film will be about elections, corruption, and how the protagonist fights the evils of society to gain justice.
Produced by Dil Raju and Shirish under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations, the film will release in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi. The film also stars Kiara Advani, Srikanth, Sunil, Anjali, and SJ Suryah in key roles