Mega Fans impact Pushpa 2’s Openings. Before Pushpa 2 every Allu Arjun movie was celebrated by Mega fans along with exclusive Allu Arjun fans. Mega fans always used to own Allu Arjun like Ram Charan and Pawan Kalyan and celebrate his movies. However, Allu Arjun’s recent activities like going to Nandyal and supporting his friend from the YSRCP Party a day before the Andhra Pradesh elections and making some indirect statements against the same issue in public events made the fans of the Chiranjeevi family angry.
Because of this, a section of Mega Fans stepped away from Pushpa 2, which impacted heavily on benefit shows. Due to there being no demand for benefit shows, the people who bought hires came up with premiere shows to compensate for the losses. Mega Fans impact Pushpa 2’s Openings.
The effect of Mega fans was clearly shown in Pushpa 2’s openings. Especially in Andhra, Godavari, Krishna, and Guntur Belts. The openings are highly impacted in these areas. Under normal situations, the film could have taken a record opening for the ticket prices, and the craze it had but the openings are even lesser than other mass films like Salaar and Devara.