Megastar Chiranjeevi’s daughter Sushmita Konidela collaborated with Zee 5 for a web series ‘Paruvu’. The show starring Nivetha Pethuraj, Naresh Agasthya, and Naga Babu in key roles is now streaming on Zee 5. ‘Paruvu’ features a total of 8 episodes with each episode being of around 40-50 minutes in duration.
The web series is a thriller that deals with inter-cast love story and intercaste marriage in the backdrop of Guntur – Vijaywada. The show further explores how politics and people are influenced by caste and how they can take some extreme actions driven by caste fanaticism. While the show is great conceptually, some segments of the show have come under controversy.
While the makers did not mention directly about any caste, the references like a hardcore NTR fan being a caste fanatic means they were referring to the Chowdary caste. Now netizens are lashing out at Sushmita Konidela as they feel the show was made with the intention of targeting a particular section of the society.