It is widely known that Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram, Ravi Teja’s Eagle, Nagarjuna’s Naa Saami Ranga, Teja Sajja’s Hanuman, Vijay Deverakonda’s Family Star have already announced their dates and are locked and loaded for the upcoming Sankranthi season. Venkatesh’s Saindhav also joined the race with an official announcement very recently. Now the Medium Budget films which have been scheduled to be released for Sankranthi are hoping for the postponement of Vijay Deverakonda’s film.
There are multiple medium budget films are announced for Sankranthi and the biggie Guntur Kaaram was the first film to be announced for Sankranthi release. So it is certain that the 1st preference for audience for Sankranthi is undoubtedly Guntur Kaaram and the 2nd preference will be Vijay Deverakonda’s film as both films have solid distributors who can hold the theaters.
There is no chance of Guntur Kaaram getting postponed now as the team almost near to the shooting completion and the other films are hoping for Vijay Deverakonda’s film to be postponed.
While the news of many movies of various genres being released for the festival is a great thing for movie lovers, ace producer Dil Raju has been got into a tricky situation.
Dil Raju has to ensure that big names associated with these other films are given ample theaters, and he also has to balance the same for his own film. Usually, Dil Raju is the one who persuades the makers to reschedule the release date and reduce competition during such instances. But this time the situation is untenable, and we need to see how he will handle it and whether he will postpone his film or not.