Mass Maharaja Raviteja is also entering the pan – India market. His upcoming film Tiger Nageswara Rao directed by Vamsee is a big budget pan – India film under Abishek Agarwal Arts. The team organised a grand opening ceremony to mark the launch. The title and pre look posters created good buzz among the audience. The movie is said to be the biopic of notorious thief named Tiger Nageswara Rao of stuartpuram.
A Massive Set of Worth 7 Cr Depicting Stuartpuram Village In 70s is rected In 5 Acres of Land near Samshabad. Production designer Avinash Kolla who previously worked for several superhit films ‘Mahanati’, ‘Jersey’, ‘Evaru’, ‘Shyam Singha Roy’ etc., is working in the construction of the set. Nupoor Sanon and Gayatri Bharadwaj are the ladies in the film. GV Prakash joined this project as a music composer and R Madhie, ISC is the cinematographer. Srikanth Vissa the dialogue writer tweeted about the set and praised the production designer Avinash Kolla. Tiger Nageswara Rao will release in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi languages.