Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam starring Rao Ramesh released last month. The film also starred Ankith Koyya in the lead role. The film also received very good reviews after the release from the audience. It also did a decent run in the theatres. Audience have been waiting for the film’s OTT arrival and the streaming date is out.
The film will be streaming on Telugu OTT streaming platform, Aha Video on 20th September. The official announcement was also made on Aha Video’s X/Twitter handle. The team now hopes to score success in the OTT world as well. Along with this, recently released Telugu films Mr. Bachchan and Double Ismart have also made their OTT entry recently.
Directed by Lakshman Karya and produced by Bujji Rayudu Pentyala and Mohan Karya, the film was also distributed by Mythri Movie Makers. So, let’s wait and see how the film make its mark with its OTT arrival.