Mansoor Ali Khan, the Leo Actor calls the Kavalayya song from Jailer the worst. The chart-topping song ‘Kaavaalayya’ from the hit film ‘Jailer,’ directed by Nelson and starring Rajinikanth, needs no introduction as since its release it has been making waves on music platforms. However, the song has received criticism from Tamil actor Mansoor Ali Khan, who referred to Tamannaah’s dance skills in the song as “dirty.”
The renowned actor questioned how the censor board approved the Kavalayya song with Tamannaah’s sexy dance movements. Mansoor Ali Khan, the Leo Actor, calls the Kavalayya song from Jailer the worst.
The actor’s comments came during a press conference called by the film’s producers to discuss the censor board’s excision of certain parts from another movie, ‘Sarakku, in which he starred. He called the Kavalayya song from Jailer the worst.
Khan expressed his dissatisfaction with the removal of portions from ‘Sarakku’ and questioned why the same criterion did not appear to apply to ‘Jailer,’ as well as the standards for censoring such dance routines.
Meanwhile, Mansoor Ali Khan has made a comeback in Tamil cinema with his appearance in Vijay’s latest blockbuster, ‘Leo,’ directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, marking his return to the genre after earlier gaining acclaim for his villainous parts.