Malayalam Film, Manjummel Boys is all set to release in the Telugu dubbed Version. The film will release on April 6th i.e., tomorrow. The censor formalities for the film are also done. The board has certified the film with a clean U certificate. The runtime of the film is locked at 135 minutes – 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Manjummel Boys is also having premiere shows in major cities also. The film carries pretty much buzz thanks to its performance in both Malayalam and Tamil languages. The film managed to gross more than 200 crores worldwide in Malayalam language and officially became the Industry hit there. What shocked everyone is it’s stunning performance even in Tamil language. The Tamil dubbed version impressed everyone and even surpassed Suriya’s highest grosser there.
Now, Manjummel Boys is due to test it’s luck. Another Malayalam film, Premalu recently released in Telugu and attracted everyone with its making and fresh appeal. Premalu also became the highest grossing Malayalam film here. So, Manjummel Boys too has lots of chances of repeating the same success Premalu had here. These two Malayalam films have definitely raised the bar of Mollywood with their successes and made everyone look at their industry. So let’s see what more to come from there.