Manjummel Boys and Premalu, the two films from the Malayalam Film Industry rocked the box office like anything. The two films were low-budget films with a very low star cast. But they managed to achieve box office milestones which no other mid-range films did in recent times. Manjummel Boys & Premalu Total Worldwide Box office Collections are as follows:
Manjummel Boys has collected a staggering 222 crores gross till now which is officially the Industry hit of Mollywood. Premalu on the other hand, has grossed around 134 crores worldwide and is expected to touch the 140 crores mark by its end run. Premalu will stream on Disney+Hotstar on 12th April. The film has done amazingly well in Telugu language also grossing close to 15 crores worldwide. This is the best figure for any Malayalam dubbed film here. Manjummel Boys will also be released in the Telugu version this week to check its luck here.
On the other hand, The Goat Life starring Prithviraj Sukumaran is also rocking the box office with 75 crores gross in 5 days and will easily enter the 100 crores gross mark. This film has all chance of even touching the 200 crores gross mark worldwide in the coming days.