Manjummel Boys, a survival thriller film, was a sensation in Malayalam, to say the least. Released amidst low buzz, the film went on to become an ‘Industry Hit’ grossing over INR 200 crore at the box office. Following its success, the film has been dubbed and released in Telugu with the same title.
The film hit the screens last Friday, and the response has been massive. Selling over 35K tickets on the first day, the film minted an estimated gross of INR 1.7 crore, the biggest opening for a Malayalam film in Telugu. On the second day, it continued to perform well, with footfalls double that of the first day.
According to sources, a record 100K tickets have been booked on Book My Show in the first days themselves. With no notable releases ahead, trade experts predict the film will become a jackpot for buyers in Telugu states. Manjummel Boys is directed by Chidambaram S. Poduval.