Recently released Malayalam film, Manjummel Boys became a box office sensation. The film starring no known big stars went on to receive unanimous positive reviews after its release. It became the first and fastest Malayalam film to gross 200 crores worldwide. The film is also officially an Industry hit in Malayalam language. It has also achieved another milestone along with this now.
It has achieved the 1.5 Million dollar Mark in the U.S. market. Apart from Manjummel Boys, no other film had crossed the 1$ Million there. The film becomes the only one from the Malayalam Industry to bag this honor. The film had a direct release in Tamil and it even performed very well there as well. Now, a Telugu dubbed version is also getting planned and the film may even touch the 2$ Million mark as well. The Telugu version of Premalu has already become a box office success with the Telugu version crossing the double digit 10 crores gross worldwide.
The Total overseas gross of Manjummel Boys is at the 8.1$ Million mark and is all set to cross another Malayalam blockbuster, 2018’s 8.26$ Million Mark by this weekend to emerge as the all-time Malayalam’s highest grosser in the overseas market.