Made as a two-part saga, Ponniyan Selvan is a historical epic series directed by the legendary filmmaker Mani Ratnam. The first of them, titled PS-1 (2022), was a blockbuster in Tamil but made no noise in other languages. The sequel PS-2 (2023), despite receiving positive reviews, underperformed in all belts.
Considering these aspects, this film series can be labeled ‘underrated’. But it looks like these book adaptations are finally receiving some due recognition. As the title reads, Ponniyan Selvan was awarded a staggering four awards at the 70th National Film Awards, which are as follows:
- Best Tamil Film
- Best Sound Design (Anand Krishnamoorthy)
- Best Cinematography (Ravi Varman)
- Best Background Score (A. R. Rahman)
This is a magnificent achievement, and the cast and crew deserve praise for their outstanding effort made to pull off such a magnum opus.