The versatil classic director Mani Ratnam is currently working on his dream project Ponniyin Selvan. The movie is based on the story of the historic novel written by Kalki Krishnamoorthy. The movie is being made in two parts and its first part ‘PS-1’ is getting ready for release. However, a buzz is that PS-1 makers have fixed a huge OTT deal.
Ponniyin Selvan’ features Vikram, Jayam Ravi, Karthi, Aishwarya Rai, Trisha, Vikram Prabhu, Prakash Raj, Prabhu, Aishwarya Lekshmi, and others. Their characters were introduced a few months back. AR Rahman has composed the music while the cinematography is handled by Ravi Varman. The film is bankrolled by Mani Ratnam’s Madras Talkies in association with Lyca Productions.
Mani Ratnam aims to strike big with the high budget historic drama. The film has a lot of graphic works and technicians from other countries have been involved in the project. Amazon Prime bagged the rights of the two parts for a huge amount. It is heard that Ponniyin Selvan is sold for a whooping price of 125 Cr to Amazon.