Ajay Bhupathi’s Mangalvaaram starring Payal Rajput has made a great mark through its digital and TV premieres. The film was released amidst great expectations in theatres but did not work well at the Box office.
The pan-India thriller was released on November 17th and the producers Swathi Reddy Gunupati and Suresh Varma had massive expectations on Ajay Bhupathi’s narration and the world he created. While the film released to mostly favourable reviews, weak promotions led to little interest among the audience in the initial days.
The ongoing world cup at that time is being seen as the main reason for Mangalavaaram’s dull performance in the theatres. The film however, has made a great impact on Disney + Hotstar. Even the TRP ratings are extremely good. On its Telivision premiere, Mangalavaaram achieved a rating of 7.21 TRP In Urban and 6.51 TRP In U+R Markets.
Mangalavaaram features Payal Rajput in the lead role. The film’s cast includes Ajmal Amir, Nandita Swetha, Sritej, Ajay Ghosh, and Shravan Reddy as vital characters. Ajay Bhupathi on A Creative Works and Swathi Reddy Gunupati on Mudhra Media Works collaborated to produce this rustic thriller.