Mangalavaaram starring Payal Rajput is now getting ready for its OTT release. The film will hit the small screen on 26th December and will stream on Disney + Hotstar in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada.
Directed by Ajay Bhupathi, Mangalavaaram- a rustic village-based thriller was released last month to mixed reviews. The film’s BGM and visuals attracted special applause from critics and the audience.
The movie generated good hype before release and received decent word of mouth. However, the release date coincided with the World Cup and it did not work well at the box office. There is huge anticipation about the OTT release and the audience is eagerly awaiting for OTT stream for a longtime.
The pan-India thriller was released on November 17th and the producers Swathi Reddy Gunupati and Suresh Varma had massive expectations on Ajay Bhupathi’s narration and the world he created. While the film was released to mostly decent word of mouth, weak promotions led to little interest among the audience in the initial days.
You can watch the movie on Disney + Hotstar by clicking here.