Malayalam star Prithviraj Sukumaran met with an accident and sustained leg injury while shooting for his upcoming film ‘Vilayath Buddha’. The shoot was taking place in Marayoor, Kerala on Sunday. The actor was immediately rushed to a private hospital in Kochi for further treatment where he has been advised bed rest for the next couple of months.
Prithviraj was shooting for an action sequence when the accident occurred leading to his leg injury. He will undergo a keyhole surgery at a private hospital in Kochi and is expected to take complete rest for 2-3 months.
Apart from ‘Vilayath Buddha’ the Mollywood star has films like ‘Aadujeevitham’, ‘Salaar‘, and ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ which are in the filming stages. The news of Prithviraj’s accident quickly went viral on social media, with fans and well-wishers praying for his speedy recovery. While the accident is a minor one, it will keep the actor away from work for a couple of months at least and this means that films like Salaar might get impacted.