2018 Movie, the Malayalam film, was a sensational success at the box office. The movie was released as a small film and crossed Rs. 150 crores gross collection. Set against the backdrop of the 2018 Kerala floods, the film was also released in Telugu and is getting good response. Meanwhile, the OTT platform Sony LIV has released a statement regarding the OTT release of the film.
The Malayalam film 2018, which was released last month, became a sensational hit. The film became an industry hit in. Mollywood. Recently, the film has been released in Telugu States and has collected almost 4 Crores Gross in 4 days. Now, the film has got an update of its OTT Streaming. The OTT rights of the film have been acquired by Sony LIV. The film will be made available for digital premiere very soon. Sony LIV has also made a statement in this regard.
Sony LIV has announced that the film will be available from June 7th on its platform. Netizens are happy as they can watch the film once again. However, it is reported that the film will be available only in Malayalam. It is said that it may not come in Telugu. We have to wait and see whether the Telugu Version will be available or not.
The film was also released in Telugu last Friday in theaters. The film has received a superb response in Telugu states. The film has already achieved break even. The film, which is currently in profits, is now here getting ready for a digital premiere. Let’s wait and watch how it will be the response to the 2018 movie after its OTT release.