On August 10, there will be two South Indian films with the title Jailer that will be released in theaters. Sakkir Madathil’s Malayalam film Jailer and Rajinikanth’s highly anticipated movie with the same title will clash at the box office. However, the clash of these two films was unforeseen and now the director of the Malayalam movie Sakkir Madathil is protesting against the Kerala exhibitors and Jailer release.
In an interview with the regional media house, filmmaker Sakkir Madathil revealed that he had invested at least Rs 5 Crore on the Jailer film and even gave his house as a mortgage. He mentioned that he needed to borrow his daughter’s jewelry for the project, but all his efforts went unsuccessful now.
In front of the Kerala Film Chamber of Commerce (KFCC), Director Sakkir Madathil held a one-day protest to demand the allotment of theaters for his movie. He also demanded that Malayalam films should be rescued from high-budget films from other languages.
Sakkir stated that the Kerala’s exhibitors are not prepared to screen his movie and are instead promoting Rajinikanth’s film. “If this is the situation, how will the Malayalam industry survive when on the other side the theater owners are insisting on a 42-day window for OTT release?”
He said he does not have any issues with Tamil films getting released in Kerala. But it should not happen by blocking the plans of Malayalam films. “While I need at least 70–75 theaters to get good returns, it seems my film won’t even get 40 since many exhibitors, who earlier agreed to screen it, are now reluctant to do so.” Sakkir Madathil said.