Films like Baahubali 2, KGF2, RRR, Kantara, and Pushpa have been massive hits on the pan-India level. While these films got the actors immense stardom across the country, they have put the lead Heros under enormous pressure. The heroes now have a massive responsibility of keeping up the momentum and making the right choice for the next project.
The trend of pan-India is not just limited to tier-1 heroes. We have seen heroes like Nani, Nikhil, Vijay Deverakonda, and Ram among others giving a shot at pan-India films. While pan-India films are a great idea to reach a wider audience, there’s something uncanny happening with several of these films of late.
As we can see, recently each and every film unit is claiming that their project is a pan-India film. But when it comes to release, the makers are not even doing a promotion in other languages and not even worrying about theatrical business. Looks like for most of the films the makers are now using pan-India term just to close the digital rights and satellite rights for a higher price.