Megastar Chiranjeevi and star Director Koratala upcoming movie was supposed to have a special role for Mega Power Star Ram Charan but SS Rajamouli had a pact with RRR heroes that they are not allowed to have a release before RRR. This is forcing Chiranjeevi to push his film with Koratala to next year which he didn’t like.
Instead of Charan, Koratala is now considering to offer the same role to Superstar Mahesh so that they can target for a release this Dasara. Koratala Siva and Chiranjeevi share a good rapport with Mahesh but would be interesting if he accepts this offer.
Mahesh has never been seen in cameos or special appearances before. It would be a treat for both Mega fans and Superstar fans if these two superstars share the screen together.