Guntur Kaaram is one of the most anticipated movies from the Telugu film industry as it is coming in the combination of Superstar Mahesh Babu and star director Trivikram after a long gap. Mahesh’s birthday was celebrated with the release of new posters of the film. Also, it is said that the team of Guntur Kaaram is in plans to release their first single on this month end.
The first single from the film was supposed to be released on Mahesh’s birthday, but it didn’t happen, much to the dismay of Mahesh fans. According to the internal reports in the film industry, Mahesh was dissatisfied with the tune and requested to change it.
Well, the reports now suggest that Mahesh will take a call on the song soon and if he likes it, the makers will soon give the official announcement in this regard. We know that there are lots of rumors have made rounds about the music director of the film, Thaman S, leaving the film and the release of the first song will definitely put an end to unnecessary and misleading rumors.
Overall, the Guntur Kaaram team’s promotional plan is to release their single in this month end [25th August] mostly. If everything goes well, there will be an official announcement on this in next week. Let’s hope that the rumors will become true and make Mahesh fans happy.