Mahesh Babu and Trivikram’s upcoming Guntur Kaaram’s shooting is getting affected by a series of postponements. At first, the script changes had caused the delay in the filming. Thereafter, the film also cancelled a few schedules of shooting and, according to the reports, another shooting schedule of this big film has been postponed. This has been really frustrating for the Mahesh Babu fans and if the latest reports are to be believed, the film, Guntur Kaaram is likely to get out of Sankranthi race.
With the continuous postponements of shooting schedules, a rumor is now surrounding in the inside circles that the movie may not come for Sankranthi as planned. The movie’s latest shooting schedule has been postponed to July.
Now if they do the regular shooting from July, the movie will likely wrap up the complete shooting until the month of November. But again, if any delay happens once more in the shooting, then it will be hard for the movie to be released on Sankranthi. Also, the other filmmakers are planning to release their films on Sankranthi, if Guntur Kaaram does not come on Sankranthi.
Renowned producer Dil raju is planning to release Vijay Deverakonda – Parashuram’s film for Sankranthi if Mahesh Babu and Trivikram’s Guntur Kaaram gets postponed, and a few more films are also likely to join if Guntur kaaram gets postponed.