Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram has faced many challenges in recent times. The film has gone through many things, including frequent shooting stops and changes in cast and crew. The fans have been extremely frustrated by these unexpected roadblocks, causing them to worry about the film’s completion and availability for the planned release date. However, from a few days this film has been able to get back the positivity and the latest reports have at it that Guntur Kaaram is gearing up for the next schedule.
The next schedule of the film begins from 16th August as per the reports. Mahesh Babu will join the sets on 20th August. The schedule will continue until November and Guntur Kaaram will be the solo big film to be released for Sankranthi 2024.
The makers of Guntur Kaaram have released new posters of Superstar Mahesh Babu on the eve of his birthday recently, as promised. Needless to say, Mahesh was looking superb in the new posters and fans were happy with the way Trivikram presented their favorite hero in the massiest avatar.
Directed by Trivikram Srinivas, Guntur Kaaram marks the third collaboration between him and Superstar Mahesh Babu after Athadu and Khaleja. The project is being produced under the Haarika and Hassine Creations banner. The film also stars Sreeleela and Meenakshi Choudhary who will be sharing the screen with Mahesh for the first time.