Mufasa: The Lion King is a sequel to the Hollywood Blockbuster film, The Lion King which released in 2019. The film will have voice overs given by Tollywood Comedians Ali and Brahmanandam alongwith Tollywood Top Star Mahesh Babu surprisingly. The Actor has dubbed for the character of Mufasa. The Telugu Trailer of Mufasa: The Lion King was released today which features these voice overs.
The film will logically be a prequel to The Lion King and is centered around the childhood of Mufasa and Scar also known as Taka who play rivals later in The Lion King film. Mufasa will act as the adoptive brother of Scar in the film. Both these lions are shown as lovable brothers in the trailer. But fate makes them rivals in the later days for the throne chair.
Mahesh Babu as said dubbed for the Mufasa character. This will be his first collaboration for a Hollywood dubbed film. Ali and Brahmanandam dubbed for the characters of Timon and Pumba. These two comedians had already dubbed for the same characters in The Lion King film. The trailer has generated good response by crossing more than 100K views in 2 hours. Let’s see how it performs in the 24 hours.