Superstar Mahesh Babu shared a heartfelt note for his elder brother Ramesh Babu who passed away on Saturday evening. Taking to Twitter, Mahesh termed his elder brother his strength and inspiration and also reminisced how his brother has been strong support for him throughout.
Ramesh Babu was struggling with health issues of late and was receiving treatment at the AIG Hospital in the city. He suffered a heart attack and was declared dead at 6 PM on Saturday.
Ramesh Babu was the eldest son of Superstar Krishna and appeared in over 15 films before moving away from the silver screen. He was also a noted producer and produced Superstar Mahesh’s Arjun and Atidhi and was also the presenter for Mahesh’s Superhit film Dookudu.
Mahesh Babu is currently recovering from Covid after testing positive with the virus on January 6th.