Super Star Mahesh Babu after getting vaccinated against Covid shared a message for his fans and followers on Twitter on Sunday. Mahesh, who is gearing up for his next release Sarkaru Vaari Paata appealed to all those above the age of 18 years to get vaccinated from May 1st to fight the pandemic.
“Done with my vaccination! Please get yours!! The COVID-19 second wave has hit everyone hard and getting vaccinated is the need of the hour. Those aged 18 years and above are eligible to get theirs from May 1st. #GetVaccinated. Stay safe everyone,” he posted on Twitter.
Mahesh had recently joined the second schedule shooting of Sarkaru Vaari Paata amidst all the safety protocols. However, with a steep rise in the number of cases across the country, the team has now made a last-minute change to the schedule. The shooting for this schedule will now commence once the situation normalizes. The movie will release on Sankranti release next year.
Directed by Parasuram Petla, Sarkaru Vaari Paata stars Keerthy Suresh in the lead role opposite Mahesh Babu. SS Thaman is scoring music for this film. Mythri Movie Makers banner along with GMB Entertainments and 14 Reels are producing this action thriller.