Superstar Mahesh Babu’s fans are firing on director Vamsi Paidipally on social media. The second single release of Thalapathy Vijay’s movie Varisu became the reason for the outrage of Mahesh fans on Vamsi Paidipally.
In 2019, Mahesh Babu’s 25th film Maharshi was directed by Director Vamsi Paidipally. Though the film turned into a super hit and even won the national award, Mahesh fans were not at all happy with the film because it was like a shoddy rehash of Mahesh Babu’s earlier films and the success of the film was only because of the Superstardom of Mahesh Babu.
Mahesh fans were not only disappointed with the content but also the presentation of it. Maharshi was 25th film in mahesh’s career. So, its natural that the fans would expect a a significant treatment to the title card of the movie, as it is a landmark event in their favorite hero’s career.
But director Vamsi Paidipally failed Mahesh fans big time by not doing any particular planning for the title card of Mahesh in Maharshi. All he did was a simple display of the 25th film of Mahesh, and what’s worse was the pale background score for the 25th title card mentioning.
Now the same director is giving Tributes to Thalapathy Vijay for Varisu film. The movie is slated for Sankranthi/Pongal release and and the second song of it released today which is titled as “Thee Thalapathy”. Vijay’s fans are celebrating this song like anything, and they’re so happy with the song.
This is making Superstar Mahesh fans unhappy, and they’re getting frustrated that Vamsi Paidipally has not given the same importance to Mahesh as he gave to Vijay.