It has been a trend for Superstar Mahesh Babu to release a look or announce films for his Father Superstar Krishna Garu’s birthday. It was on this day in 2020 that Sarkaru Vaari Paata was officially announced. Similarly, a lot of other Mahesh films have been announced or some updates announced on this occasion for the past several years.
Fans were expecting something similar from Trivikram for this year as well. Everyone was expecting either a title reveal or some other update of SSMB28 on this day. However, much to fans’ disappointment no update was released.
Superstar Mahesh Babu and Trivikram’s much-awaited project SSMB28 was launched in a grand manner in Hyderabad earlier this year. This will be the third film for Mahesh Babu and Trivikram after Athadu and Khaleja. Both these films have a special place in the hearts of film lovers and fans are expecting no less than a blockbuster this time.
Of late, the ‘Ala Vaikunthapurramulo’ director has been mainly focussing on family entertainers. However, Mahesh has made it clear that the genre, as well as the treatment of the subject, must be different. Reportedly, the Super Star is not interested in a run-of-the-mill family entertainer.