It’s been some time since the launch of Superstar Mahesh Babu’s SSMB 28 and the film has been progressing at a slower-than-expected pace. Mahesh Babu okayed Trivikram’s film a long back and post this, he has asked for many changes. These changes also include scrapping an entire action block after the shooting which cost huge money.
Now, the movie has been announced for Sankranti and Mahesh seems to be quite relaxed he wants to start the shoot after the summer. Recently, he went on a foreign trip and came back returned and has been taking more time breaks from the shoot because of summer. He wants to start the shoot in June and because of these shoot delays, the burden for the producer is increasing.
It is true that the craze for this movie’s business in trade circles is huge. The main reason for this is the Trivikram-Mahesh combo. But these continuous delays are placing a huge burden on the makers.
Pooja Hegde will be paired opposite Mahesh Babu while the rest of the cast details will be revealed soon. Of late, the ‘Ala Vaikunthapurramulo’ director has been mainly focussing on family entertainers. However, Mahesh has made it clear that the genre, as well as the treatment of the subject, must be different. Reportedly, the Super Star is not interested in a run-of-the-mill family entertainer.