Mahesh Babu during the media interactions for his production’s film, Major made some interesting comments on Bollywood. These comments have gone viral. Mahesh Babu always faces the question about his bollywood debut. He doesn’t show interest on his hindi debut and tells that he concentrates only on Telugu films. He has now gone ahead and said that Bollywood can’t afford him. Bollywood media fired on these comments.
However Mahesh Babu has given a clarification that his comments were mistook by the media and said that he loves cinema and respects all languages. He said he is comfortable doing the film where he has been working. Mahesh said he is happy to see his dream coming true as Telugu cinema is going places. He also said that his next film will be a pan-Indian film with Rajamouli. His recent film, Sarkaru Vaari Paata is releasing tomorrow amidst great hype.
Sarkaru Vaari Paata is made on a large scale and has huge cast. The film’s trailer and songs received good applause from audience. The film stars Keerthy Suresh in the female lead role. The film’s advance bookings are on sensational and registered non RRR record.