Did Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli not like the Animal movie? The movie lovers are puzzled by this question. It is widely known that Rajamouli and Mahesh Babu graced the pre-release event of Animal Movie, and during the event, they said they were very excited to watch the film. Rajamouli said after watching the teaser itself, he felt it is a must-watch film on FDFS and will only watch the movie on 30th November as he will be traveling on 1st and 2nd December.
Rajamouli also said he could not wait until then, so he would watch before the audience. Mahesh Babu also said that Animal’s trailer was the best trailer he has ever seen, and he clearly explained each artist’s performance in the trailer.
So, by their words, everyone expected Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli’s response on social media on the Animal movie’s first day. Still, neither posted anything on the film after the release. Mahesh Babu always posts Movie Reviews on his Twitter handle if he likes the film, even if it is small, but he also remains silent on Animal. Some online users have doubts that Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli didn’t like the Animal movie.
However, some netizens think that they did not like the film, or maybe they liked the movie, but as it offered some adult content, they remained silent to avoid any controversy.
Mahesh, Rajamouli, and other people in the industry have remained silent about the film even though it is doing wonders at the box office.