Director Anil Ravipudi who recently recovered from Covid made many interesting revelations in a recent interview. The Sarileru Neekevvaru director said that he is ready to direct Super Star Mahesh Babu yet again. He stated that he is all geared up for it and it is up to Super Star’s availability. Ravipudi told a news channel that he’s currently busy with F3 while Mahesh has Sarkaru Vaari Paata and SSMB28 with Trivikram up next. Once both are free from ongoing commitments he will definitely look to work again with the Super Star. He had earlier narrated a line to Mahesh who asked him to reach out with a complete script.
There are talks of Ravipudi directing Balakrishna as well. The project is going to be an out and out mass entertainer. Anil Ravipudi is leaving no stone unturned to highlight its commercial elements and bring out the best.
Ravipudi is meanwhile busy with F3 and once he completes it, will get started with the Balayya movie. It will be interesting to see how the combo works out on the big screen.
“F3 is 50% completed. We are not rushing to resume the shooting. We will do it whenever it is safe. It will be a perfect laughter therapy to the people after the pandemic,” he said. Apart from Mahesh and Balayya projects, Ravipudi has also earlier hinted at a Raja The Great sequel.
Only time will tell which of the projects go on floor and when. Till then we have to wait for Mahesh and Ravipudi to finish their existing commitments.