Maharaja, the latest and 50th film of Vijay Sethupathi is doing wonders at the box office. Vijay Sethupathi didn’t get a proper hit film in the recent times. He also started doing many supporting roles besides cameo as well. This too has dented his image. But now things have changed with Maharaja. The film opened with a phenomenal response and has definitely revived Vijay Sethupathi’s career.
Maharaja has managed to gross more than 40 crores worldwide in the first weekend which is sensational considering the situation of Vijay Sethupathi. The film even performed amazingly at the Telugu Box office as well thanks to the popularity of Vijay Sethupathi here with few films. The film also has a high chance of crossing 50 crores worldwide at the box office this weekend.
The team has conducted a success meet where Vijay Sethupathi said that he was surprised with the result of Maharaja. He said that he felt Maharaja would be an average or above-average at the box office. Vijay Sethupathi also mentioned someone telling him that the audience wouldn’t watch his films in the theatres if his poster got promoted. The Actor felt that Maharaja would be an answer to all those.