Kalyan Shankar’s youthful comedy-drama MAD was one of the biggest success stories of 2023. The film made on a small budget emerged as a massive hit and was able to pull the audience to theatres in large numbers over the long run. With the huge success of MAD, the reports of the MAD sequel also started doing rounds and now, the details of the next part are out.
The lead cast and crew will be teaming up again for the sequel of this film. This time the entertainment is said to be double the first part. Mad worked extremely well at the Box office and after the OTT release, it got a wider reach and more love. The MAD sequel has been titled MAD Max and will go on floors later this month. The same trio of Sangeeth Sobhan, Ram Nithin, and Nithin Narne will be seen in this project as well.
The comedy-drama featured a talented cast including Narne Nithin, Sangeeth Shobhan, Ram Nithin, Sri Gouri Priya Reddy, Ananathika Sanilkumar, and Gopikaa Udyan.
Directed by Kalyan Shankar, MAD marks the debut of Haarika Suryadevara as a producer, with Sai Soujanya as the co-producer. Naga Vamsi presented this flick, and the music was composed by Bheems Ceciroleo.
The first part of the movie follows the story of three friends named Manoj (Ram Nitin), Ashok (Narne Nitin), and Damodar (Sangeet Shobhan), who join an engineering college. They become thick friends, and their group gets a name called MAD.