Aamir Khan replaces Suriya in Lokesh’s Dream Project. Lokesh Kangaraj officially said that his dream project is Irumbu Kai Maayavi. It was also said that the discussions regarding this film happened with Suriya. The fans expected it would be the biggest project in Suriya’s career.
Now the latest news from Kollywood circles is that for this project, Lokesh Kanagaraj is in talks with Aamir Khan. Lokesh Kanagaraj and Aamir are currently working for Colie, in which the Bollywood actor is appearing in a cameo, and they have planned for a full-length film as well. That film is said to be Irumbu Kai Maayavi and the renowned production house of the Telugu Film Industry, Mythri Movie Makers is said to be producing this film. Aamir Khan replaces Suriya in Lokesh’s Dream Project.
We will have to wait and see when this film will go on set as Lokesh Kanagaraj’s schedule is very busy and we need to see where he places it. As said above, Lokesh is currently working on Rajinikanth’s Coolie and after that, he will move on to Kaithi 2. So, Aamir’s project might take off after Kaithi 2.