After the mammoth success of Vikram, director Lokesh Kanagaraj is on cloud nine. The response, the reactions, and a rave like this has never been seen before for a Tamil film. After the film’s success, Lokesh sat down with ace critic and film analyst Baradwaj Rangan to discuss and dissect the movie.
In the interview with Baradwaj Rangan, Lokesh revealed many interesting things about his Lokesh Cinematic Universe. One among those was Karthi’s role in Kaithi 2.
This was what Lokesh had to say about Dilli’s role in Kaithi 2, “Dilli is a Kabbadi player”. “In jail, he won many cups by playing Kabaddi. In Kaithi, there is a bag with Dilli that contains a lot of cups he won from playing Kabaddi. I didn’t explore this in the 1st part but in Kaithi 2 I will explore this background story”.