Lokesh Kanagaraj confirmed his film with Prabhas film and revealed the details. “ The film with #Prabhas sir will be conceptualized as a standalone film, and it will not have any resemblance or connection with any of my previous or upcoming films. It will be an experience of its own and there will be no mixtures or additions to the same” said Lokesh.
There has been a lot of speculation and anticipation surrounding all of Lokesh Kanagaraj’s upcoming projects since he announced his retirement from directing 10 films. Lokesh has finished 5 of the 10 movies with Leo, and he has already planned out some exciting projects for his next 5 appearances.
Lokesh Kanagaraj’s collaboration with pan-Indian star Prabhas has recently sparked excitement among fans of both actor and director. Lokesh was reported to have said that his film with Prabhas will be the final movie (End Game) in the Lokesh Cinematic Universe (LCU). Fans have been eagerly anticipating this sensational collaboration undoubtedly.
However, Lokesh has put an end to all the rumors in the recent interview. He stated that his film with Prabhas will not be the End Game of LCU and will only be a standalone movie. According to Lokesh, Vikram 2 with Kamal Haasan will be the last movie in the LCU. Lokesh also announced that Thalaivar 171, Kaithi 2, Rolex standalone movie, Vikram 2, and Prabhas’ film will be his next 5 projects.