Superstar Rajinikanth is currently busy with the final work of ‘Jailer’ and the shooting of the film is coming to an end. The veteran actor is to begin the shooting of ‘Lal Salaam’ in which he will appear in an important role, and he will be then moving to his film with TJ Gnanavel, which has been tentatively titled ‘Thalaivar 170’. Now, recent reports suggest that Rajinikanth’s movie with Lokesh Kanagaraj will be his next film.
Lokesh Kanagaraj would have directed Rajinikanth after the release of ‘Vikram’, but the project did not take off and the director eventually announced his reunion with Vijay. It is being said that Rajinikanth had met Lokesh Kanagaraj and they both discussed planning their next film.
Lokesh was successful in handling a senior hero like Kamal Haasan in Vikram. The film made Kamal got his commercial success after many years and the film also broke the all-time record at the box office and became an industry hit in Tamil Nadu. So, it will be very fascinating to see how Lokesh handles Superstar Rajinikanth now.
Rajinikanth will appear in an extended cameo role in his daughter Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s directorial ‘Lal Salaam’ and the film has not been counted to the actor’s account since he is not acting in the lead role. Rajinikanth is scheduled to film for two months for ‘Lal Salaam’ and will set off for ‘Thalaivar 170’ with TJ Gnanavel later this year. ‘Thalaivar 170’ is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2024.