Leo surpasses Jailer in Tamil Nadu and is on track to become the all-time number one in its motherland. This latest action thriller, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and starring Thalapathy Vijay, has been breaking records at the box office since its first day. Now, the latest achievement has been added to its kitty. Leo surpasses Jailer in Tamil Nadu, on track to become the all-time number one.
In Tamil Nadu, Ponniyin Selvan was an all-time record grosser with 225Cr+ Gross, and Rajinikanth’s Jailer also failed to beat that as it ended up 2nd with 195Cr + Gross. With a terrific second weekend at the box office, Leo has crossed Jailer’s Gross, and it is chasing Ponniyin Selvan’s records. The film needs to collect a Gross of around 30Cr from now to become all-time number one, and it can break it as there are no notable releases in Tamil this weekend. Vijay fans are happy as Leo surpasses Jailer in Tamil Nadu and is on track to become the all-time number one.
Lokesh Kanagaraj revealed in a recent interview that he had conceived the Leo story five years ago with a different actor in mind, but casting didn’t happen. After working with Vijay in Master and getting close to him, he created Leo to demonstrate the actor’s performance abilities. However, Lokesh did not reveal the actor he originally intended for the role, and only Lokesh knows it.
The film has an impressive cast, with Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Sarja, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Iyal, Mansoor Ali Khan, Mysskin, Mandonna Sebastian, Priya Anand, and others playing important roles. Seven Screen Studio produced the movie with Anirudh Ravichander as the music composer.