Leo, the upcoming action thriller directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and starring Thalapathy Vijay, is one of the most anticipated films of the year for the South Indian Cinema fans. There has been a lot of buzz surrounding the film. The film’s unit started the poster campaign from 4 days in multiple languages. Sadly, with each and every poster that the team is releasing, the film’s buzz is going downhill.
Actually, it is a very nice idea by the Leo’s team to release each poster in a different language, but the problem is the posters are continuously disappointing the audiences.
After the first set of posters got released by the makers online, few movie fans noticed similarities between the upcoming Hollywood films. Even if we put aside the links and similarities with the English films, the posters of Leo are not that great.
This evening, the Leo team and released a Hindi poster even disappointed fans. The poster has Vijay and Sanjay Dutt involved in a probably physical brawl, but it was not at all up to the mark. Director Lokesh has a separate craze for his poster designs as his previous films’ posters had created massive buzz, but with Leo, this is going in the reverse way.
Leo is an action thriller written and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The film stars Thalapathy Vijay, Sanjay Dutt and Trisha in the main roles. This film has surrounded by a massive craze in both Telugu and Tamil languages and will be released in theaters on October 19, coinciding with the Ayudha Pooja weekend. Gautam Vasudev Menon, Arjun, Mysskin, Mansoor Ali Khan and Priya Anand are part of the supporting cast. The film, produced by Lalit Kumar and Jagadish Palanisamy, has music scored by Anirudh Ravichander.