The makers have shared Leo’s official box office records. The Seven Screen Studio revealed the office records On Diwali day, which also happens to be the 25th day of the film. They gave an official update on the box office numbers and wrote the benchmarks created by the movie Territory-wise.
According to the makers, Leo became the highest-grosser in Tamil Nadu and is the first 100Cr Share film in Tamil Nadu. Also, it is the highest Tamil Grosser in the UK, France, Gulf Countries, Overseas, Sri Lanka, Canada, Kerala, and Germany.
The fans were waiting for the worldwide Gross number from the producers, but they did not reveal the overall box office numbers.
Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and starring Thalapathy Vijay, Leo has achieved break-even and profits in all territories and has emerged as a true blockbuster.
The film has an impressive cast, with Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Sarja, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Iyal, Mansoor Ali Khan, Mysskin, Madonna Sebastian, Priya Anand, and others playing important roles. Seven Screen Studio produced the movie with Anirudh Ravichander as the music composer.