Leo vs Ponniyin Selvan race is now interesting at the Tamil Nadu box office. It is widely known that Mani Ratnam’s Magnum Opus Ponniyin Selvan 1 is the biggest hit in Tamil Nadu. PS – 1 was a massive surprising blockbuster at the box office. The film collected 500Cr gross worldwide, especially in Tamil Nadu. The film had a sensational run and went on to order more than 225Cr Gross.
Even Rajinikanth’s sensational blockbuster Jailer failed to cross Mani Ratnam’s movie collections in Tamil Nadu. With the exceptional craze around Leo, everyone expected that the film would easily cross Ponniyin Selvan’s numbers.
Leo also got a big opening and was sensational on festival days. The trade anticipated it to be a huge blockbuster and broke all records. After the festival days, the film witnessed a significant drop in all territories.
Now, Lokesh Kanagaraj’s directorial Gross is 160Cr, and collecting 70Cr from here looks impossible. The film should have a massive 2nd weekend to break the records. Currently in Leo vs Ponniyin Selvan race Ponniyin Selvan is ahead with Leo drops. So, most likely, PS-1 will stay as all records for some more time.
The mixed WOM is affected badly by the film. If the film opens with positive WOM then definitely the movie would have broken all records easily. The positive news is even with mixed WOM the film achieved a breakeven mark in all territories. The makers announced officially the movie has collected 461Cr gross worldwide in 1st week.
The film is all set to join the 500Cr club this weekend. It will surpass Ponniyin Selvan’s 1st Part worldwide numbers. At this trend, the movie is likely to end up below Rajinikanth’s Jailer collections and will end at the top3 of Kollywood. 2Point0 is the number one grosser of Kollywood.