The ‘Leo’ mania has captured the attention of Kollywood, despite the film’s recent release trailer receiving a mixed response. The Thalapathy Vijay-starrer is scheduled to be in the cinemas on October 19. It is rumored that this is the most violent film in Vijay’s filmography, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. Now the film, Leo has turned out to be the most profitable movie for producers in Kollywood, with profits estimated at around 200 Crores.
Leo movie’s budget is confirmed by the team itself, which is 300Cr and the business of the film has been closed approx 500Cr. The movie did a record theatrical and non-theatrical business with the craze of Lokesh Kanagaraj and Vijay combination. The total profits of the film are estimated at around 200Cr before release itself.
After the release, if the movie gets good talk and runs with overflows at the box office, then it will be another profit for the producers.
The film’s other highlight is the return of Vijay and Trisha’s combo after 15 years. Their last collaboration was in Kuruvi (2008). Vijay and director Lokesh Kanagaraj have collaborated on Leo again after Master. The film further features Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Sarja, Mysskin, Gautam Vasudev Menon, and Sandy in key roles with Anirudh Ravichander composing the tunes. Lalith Kumar has produced the film, Leo, under the banner of Seven Screen Studio.