Thalapathy Vijay’s film Leo has been recently approved by the Censor Board, but there were some alterations in the film’s content. Lokesh Kanagaraj is the director of this film, which is included in his ‘Lokesh Cinematic Universe’. Leo has been certified U/A by the Central Board of Film Certification, which is scheduled to be released on October 19. According to reports, the Board has ordered 13 modifications to the film, including removing swear words that were used in the film. The film is also said to have violence, gore, and sexual threat elements as per the CBFC Report.
Leo’s Censor Certificate had spread like wildfire on X (formerly known as Twitter), and it showed the 13 modifications that Lokesh Kanagaraj had been requested to make by the CBFC. The board has requested that the team mute the swear words along with improving the violent scenes in the film. The changes and cuts resulted in Leo having a run time of 164 minutes (2 hours 44 minutes).
The distributors are opting for multiple censor cuts to make the film suitable for family audiences because they cannot enjoy a film that has an excessive amount of gore and violence. Even In trailer also, we can observe there was a bad word that was removed later.
This action thriller features Trisha Krishnan, Arjun Sarja, Gautham Menon, Mysskin, and Priya Anand in crucial roles. Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt is also in the film. Lokesh Kanagaraj and Rathna Kumar worked together to write the script. The music for the film was composed by Anirudh Ravichander, and its cinematography and editing were handled by Manoj Paramahamsa and Philomin Raj, respectively.