Leo joins the all-time Top 3 list of Kollywood with its 10-day Worldwide collections. The film had performed superbly at the box office in its 10 day run, despite receiving mixed responses on day 1. It is widely known that the brand of Lokesh Kanagaraj and the LCU factor have created massive hype around the film.
Released on October 19th, Thalapathy Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj’s action thriller Leo has collected a staggering gross of 512 Cr until now. Scroll down for the details of Leo 10 days worldwide box office collections.
Tamil Nadu – 178 Cr
Kerala – 52 Cr
Karnataka – 38 Cr
AP/TG – 42 Cr
ROI – 28 Cr
OS – 174 Cr
Total WW – 512 Cr
Leo is now just behind 2 Point O and Jailer in Kollywood films.
The background score of Anirudh and Lokesh’s brilliance in the action sequences enhanced the movie. Vijay’s unique characterization, which deviates from his usual image of being indomitable among the masses, was also refreshing to watch.