Fans of Superstar Rajinikanth and Vijay have been at loggerheads for quite some time over proving who’s the numero uno in Tamil. While Rajini fans maintain that the legendary star was and will be the undisputed king of Kollywood, Vijay fans argue that it is about time Rajini moves on as it is Vijay’s era. The mega-blockbuster success of Jailer has further given boost to Rajin fans who are now challenging Vijay to beat this record with his Leo.
Some time ago, the controversy further erupted over the ‘Superstar’ title with a few sections claiming that now Vijay deserves it. Director/ Actor Lawrence at the pre-release function of his upcoming film Chandramukhi 2 shared his thoughts and requested fans to close this clash.
“Did Vijay sir ask for the Superstar Title..?? Did He announce it anywhere that he wants that title..?? He Didn’t,” stated Lawrence. Whenever I go to meet him, He always asks, “How’s Thalaivar doing and How’s his health..” He has a huge respect on Thalaivar.. Rajini sir also spoke highly of Beast.. They don’t have any problem between them.. The problem is caused by the middlemen,” Lawrence concluded.
While the two stars have mutual admiration, the box-office war has certainly treated great excitement. It will be interesting to see how Leo responds at box-office to the Jailer challenge.