Superstar Rajinikanth starrer Lal Salaam was released last week amidst low hype and negative reviews. Right from the day of the announcement, the film didn’t manage to generate the buzz that a usual Rajini starter would. While one of the reasons for it was that the Superstar was playing only an extended cameo, the other was the genre of the film and a relatively weaker star cast.
Rajinikanth’s last film was an action entertainer and also starred the likes of Mohanlal, Shivarajkumar, Ramya Krishna, and Jackie Shroff amongst others. It broke all the TN box office records and marked a stunning comeback for the Superstar. Compared to Jailer, Lal Salaam had the likes of Vikranth and Vishnu Vishal and was a sports action drama that couldn’t excite the viewers.
The film saw a downward spiral right from its release day and crashed after the release weekend in Tamil Nadu and other areas. In Tamil Nadu, the movie collected around 16Cr gross in 1st week while the Telugu states gross was around 1Cr. It collected around Rs 65L from Kerala while Karnataka contributed around 1.4 Cr. The rest of India’s collections stood around 25L and the total all-India gross is Rs 19.3. crores.
The overseas gross is around Rs 7.7 Cr taking the total worldwide gross to 27 crores. The share will be around 12 Cr which makes Lal Salaam a big disaster. Aishwarya Rajinikanth has directed this film with music composed by AR Rahman.