Lakshmi Manchu is set to host the show ‘Aha Bhojanambu’ a cooking reality series that will feature some of Tollywood’s biggest names. The show will stream on the OTT platform Aha. This will be another celebrity reality show on the streaming platform after ‘Sam Jam’ (hosted by Samantha Akkineni), and Rana’s ‘No.1 Yaari’.
‘Aha Bhojanambu’ is the perfect platform to showcase our products and their usage, as it combines the love for food and celebrities in a distinctive way,” said the makers of the show.
The actress took to social media to announce her latest reality talk show.
The list of stars who will feature on the show includes Rakul Preet Singh, Tharun Bhascker, Vishnu Manchu, Akhil Akkineni, Prakash Raj, Anand Deverakonda, Rana Daggubati, and Vishwak Sen to name a few.
Lakshmi Manchu is no newcomer to the celebrity talk show and has earlier hosted Koncham Touch Lo Unte Chepta.