Kiran Rao’s Laapataa Ladies has been announced as India’s official entry for the 2024-25 Oscars. The film will be sent to the Academy Awards as the official nomination in the Best Foreign Language Film category.
The Film Federation of India panel consisting of eminent personalities and journalists from film industries across India went through multiple films to pick one. The panel eventually decided to send this highly acclaimed Kiran Rao film to the Oscars.
The National Award-winning Malayalam film Aatam and Cannes winner All We Imagine As Light were also in contention. The decision was taken unanimously by a 13-member select committee headed by Assamese director Jahnu Barua. The film features Pratibha Ranta, Nitanshi Goel, Sparsh Shrivastav, Chhaya Kadam, and Ravi Kishan in lead roles.
From Tollywood, Hanuman, Kalki 2898 AD, and Mangalavaaram were sent for nomination but didn’t make it through the final cut. Laapata Ladies, co-produced by Aamir Khan along with Kiran Rao, garnered positive reviews upon its release from audiences and critics due to its different story. The film was a major success on its Netflix release and remained at the top of the popularity charts for weeks.